Despite the Ice Climbers reappearing in and, though, there have never been any announced plans to produce some kind of modern-day follow-up.In Ice Climber, the player controls a child in a blue Eskimo parka and wielding a mallet, Popo, and in a two-player cooperative mode, a second, female Ice Climber in a pink parka, Nana, becomes a simultaneous second player-character. The appearance of the Ice Climbers in 2001's - which developer chose over other retro NES games such as Balloon Fight and - spurred on multiple rereleases of their game in a variety of formats, such as for the e-Reader, a Game Boy Advance cartridge, and the Virtual Console featured of the Wii, the 3DS, and the Wii U.
Ice climbers nana 1985 series#
Sixteen years later, however, Nintendo's crossover fighting game series selectively picked its main characters, the, as a playable character choice representing an exclusively 'retro' game series among a sea of Nintendo characters well-known in Nintendo's modern lineup of IPs. Ice Climber was released in the same year, which included some different stages and mechanic changes, but otherwise, Ice Climber remained an isolated, historical relic from the early years of the Famicom/NES. Nonetheless, the game can be said to have a particularly significant background role in Nintendo's early release timeline because Morita described his work on the game as a 'warm-up' before becoming a main programmer on Super Mario Bros.A little-known arcade version of Ice Climber entitled Vs. When both games were among the fairly extensive launch library for the Famicom's Western equivalent, the NES. The game was also arguably overshadowed by Super Mario Bros. Like the other aforementioned Famicom games released before the world famous debuts of the Mario and Zelda series, Ice Climber was not necessarily any kind of breakout hit, and was never chosen as a recipient for sequels or follow-ups. It was the first game programmed by Kazuaki Morita, who went on to become the main programmer of the industry-defining later that year, and became a prolific programmer for multiple titles in the Mario and series, as well as for. Cover artwork from the Famicom release of, featuring, a, a, and a.In January 1985, one of the various original video games developed by 's Research and Development division for the Japanese Famicom was Ice Climber, as part of a stream of similarly 'one-shot' games released in rapid succession in late 1984 and early 1985 (other games included Clu Clu Land, Excitebike, and Balloon Fight, which incidentally was released just a week earlier). The game was one of several classic NES games that was considering bringing back to modern attention by including it in, and it won out over the other games to include the as playable characters.Interestingly, it has made two crossovers with the universe: the alternate music for, simply called Balloon Fight, and the that is a regular enemy when the iceberg drops into the water in.

Ice Climber (universe)HudsonHamster CorporationNintendoHamster CorporationKenji MikiPlatformerConsole/platform of originNintendo Entertainment SystemFirst installment(1985)Latest installmentArcade Archives Ice Climber (2019)The Ice Climber universe ( アイスクライマー, Ice Climber) refers to the series's collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from 's old, classic NES game, released in 1985.