I think Yoshi first started getting over-the-top "cute" and squeaky in Sunshine. His flutter jump in Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario Odyssey makes me want to punch a pillow. Yoshi sounds AWFUL, like a kitten trying to give birth, when he flutter jumps, and he flutter jumps often. Like, I was subjected to a bunch of cats probably fucking each other in the middle of the night and I realized how close in pitch it is to Yoshi's current voice. I think one reason Yoshi is so insufferable is that his audio frequency is around the same as a whiny cat.

I don't like how Toads act excessively baby-like either sometimes, but I think they're legit cute, and I actually like Toad's current voice. Daisy's voice doesn't reach that whiny baby frequency that Yoshi achieves, which IMO, is the worst kind of annoying. I don't know how people find Daisy annoying but Yoshi is somehow perfectly tolerable or ignored. All those high-pitched "roooooo-ooo"s and "wa-rooo!!!" and "roo-rooo!" and his "YO YO!" make me want to strangle him.
#Mario strikers charged daisy crotch series#
Yoshi is the only character in the Mario series that does indeed hurt to listen to especially when you're listening to Yoshi's voice bank in Mario Kart 8 or Super Mario Odyssey. Like, they don't have to make him make these whining noises or these baby noises or sound like his diaper needs to be changed or make him act like some goddamn puppy. I want Yoshi acting like what you expect from a cartoon dino. But in the recent years, Nintendo has amplified Yoshi's "cuteness" to an insufferable degree, like they're trying to shove how cute Yoshi is down our throats. It doesn't help that he's voiced by some middle-aged man whose pitch was turned up a notch.

I actually used to like Yoshi well into GCN, so after the landmark Yoshi's Story, but something about him in Mario Power Tennis absolutely ruined the character, and retroactively I just started hating everything about his current voice.